Mercyville is an unincorporated community in Macon County, in the U. Nickellton is an unincorporated community in Macon County, in the U. Redman is an unincorporated community in Macon County, in the U.
Seney is an unincorporated community in Macon County, in the U. Sue City is an unincorporated community in Macon County, in the U. Walnut is an unincorporated community in Macon County, in the U.
Woodville is an unincorporated community in Macon County, in the U. Jim Forte Postal History. Retrieved 30 October The State Historical Society of Missouri. Archived from the original on June 24, Retrieved October 30, County seat : Macon. Map of Missouri highlighting Macon County. Hart Longville Tullvania. United States portal. Images, videos and audio are available under their respective licenses. This Macon County, Missouri state location article is a stub. Waterfowl may be taken only by holders of a valid area Daily Waterfowl Hunting Tag and only from a blind or in a designated area, except that hunters may retrieve dead birds and pursue and shoot downed cripples outside the designated area.
Waterfowl hunters must check out immediately after the close of their hunting trip and prior to processing birds by accurate completion and return of the Daily Waterfowl Hunting Tag to designated locations. These department areas are closed to waterfowl hunting on December Only authorized persons are allowed within the waterfowl shooting areas during the waterfowl hunting season.
Portions of these department areas may be open to fishing during all or part of the waterfowl season. Ten Mile Pond Conservation Area. This 3,acre area was once a lowland hardwood forest intermingled with cypress sloughs. Most of the area flooded seasonally and was an important habitat for wintering waterfowl, furbearers, eagles, and other wildlife species.
Management of the area began in and is aimed at reestablishing wetland habitat, which was lost when the land was drained and converted to agricultural use. Over 1, acres of this wetland habitat is managed through the manipulation of water levels to provide high quality natural foods, such as millets, smartweed, sprangletop, sedges,and invertebrates.
These food resources are highly sought after by migrating and wintering waterfowl, shorebirds, and other wetland wildlife species. Row crops and green browse are grown on the area to provide nutritious food for geese and field-feeding species of ducks.
Wetland development hasincluded the construction of interior levees, wells, pumps, and water control structures. Duck and goose hunting and viewing waterfowl are the most popular outdoor activities on the area.
Bald eagles are common on the area from late fall through early spring. Visitors should use extreme caution while boating or wading, because deep water and hazardous conditions are possible when the area is flooded. Area Map Area Brochure Total Acres. Area Hours. Sunday, AM - PM. At the tee go left yards to headquarters on the right. For more information call. Rule Number. In addition to the rules of the Wildlife Code, federal, state and local laws apply on department lands.
The destruction, defacing, or removal of department property is also prohibited. Soil disturbance and digging, including the digging of roots, is prohibited on all department areas. Waste containers located on department areas may be used only for disposal of garbage, trash, refuse, or rubbish generated on the department area. NOTE: Waste containers are not provided on all department areas. The placement of grain, salt products, minerals, and other consumable natural and manufactured products is prohibited on department areas.
Feral livestock may not be taken including the hunting of feral hogs on department areas. Collecting wild animals including invertebrates and their unprocessed parts is prohibited except under the provisions of a valid Wildlife Collector's Permit, or as otherwise authorized in the Wildlife Code.
This department area is open for public use from a. Parking or storing watercraft or commercial vehicles is prohibited on department areas during closed hours. Vegetation, including trees, may not be cut or destroyed. The only exception is that willows Salicaceae spp. Collecting or possessing wild plants and their unprocessed parts is prohibited except under the provisions of a valid Letter of Authorization for Plant Collecting, or as otherwise authorized in the Wildlife Code.
Nuts, berries, fruits, edible wild greens and mushrooms may be taken only for personal consumption; EXCEPT on locations designated as Missouri Natural Areas, taking edible wild greens is prohibited. Unless otherwise posted, vehicles are only permitted on public roadways graveled and paved roads and in established parking areas. State laws regarding the operation, registration and required equipment apply to the operation of motor vehicles on locations open to vehicular traffic on department areas.
Except as otherwise posted, the speed limit on department areas is 45 miles per hour. If camping is not listed as an activity in this section, camping is prohibited on the area.
Designated camping areas may or may not have defined campsites. Seasonal closures and restrictions may apply to all camping on department areas. On department areas where camping is allowed, camping is limited to a period of 14 consecutive days in any day period.
Personal property must be removed at the end of the day period.