Chicago dizziness and hearing clinic

Timothy Hain is amazing. He takes the time to really listen to his patients and come up with a management plan that addresses patients concerns but still is effective. The staff is equally wonderful and responsive. Alexis V. Dequinco on Facebook. I went there for an emergency due to a vertigo episode. Despite no phone calls to their office ahead of time I was still accomodated.

Everybody was so kind enough to assist me whatever way possible. Dr Cherchi was so thorough explaining everything as well as the Therapist John. Negative feedback examples: 8 strategies to turn bad reviews into wins. Cherchi and all of the staff are absolutely wonderful.

Cherchi spent time with me explaining everything, answering my questions, finally putting me at ease that I'm in the right spot to FINALLY get answers! Sherri Kroeger Maland on Facebook. Dr and staff very pleasant Dr Hain is extremely nice and thorough ; convenient parking. Cherchi and Dr. Hain , and a neuro-optometrist Dr. Sorenson who treats visual vertigo and PPPD. We offer a large repertoire of hearing and vestibular tests.

We have most of the necessary diagnostic tools on-site and usually we can get the diagnostic process over in one day. We also offer vestibular physical therapy , mainly for BPPV and related conditions. Email us to set this up. It is helpful in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, though it can diagnose other problems as well. Chicago Dizziness and Hearing is committed to the care of patients with vestibular disorders. Studying vestibular disorders advances the understanding of these diseases, and may eventually lead to better treatments.

Therefore, we view research as part of our mission. Many of our patients ask about participating in research studies, and we offer this opportunity to interested individuals at the time that they register as patients at Chicago Dizziness and Hearing, regardless of their diagnosis.

The IRB rules require that we give each prospective research participant a consent form to review and sign before the research proceeds. The full form can be found here. All of these tests are FDA approved; they are not experimental or investigational. However, because your test results are part of your medical record, we are required by the government to ask your permission for those results to be included in research studies and publications. Your choice of whether or not to participate in research has no influence over the medical care that you will receive at Chicago Dizziness and Hearing.

If you choose to participate in this research, it simply means that you grant us permission include your test results in data analysis. Please indicate below whether you are interested in participating in research at Chicago Dizziness and Hearing. Your response is provisional; you can always change your mind later. A few minutes after that, you should receive a confirmatory email at the address that you entered at the beginning of this questionnaire,. Please do not use a cell phone or tablet for completing this questionnaire.

Introduction Please schedule an appointment before completing this questionnaire! Click here to continue to questionnaire System information: Your browser or operating system not supported Compatibility error Supported platforms include the desktop versions of Windows and Macintosh OS X operating systems.

Please return to this web site using a supported platform and browser. Do you want to resume an old questionnaire you were working on before, or start a brand new questionnaire? I want to resume an old questionnaire I was working on before. I want to start a brand new questionnaire. Select a security question and answer In case you pause during the questionnaire and come back later to complete it, your personal information should be protected.

What was the name of your favorite childhood pet? In what city did you meet your spouse? In what city were you married? What is your mother's maiden name? What is the address number of the house in which you grew up? What is the first name of your maternal grandmother mother's mother? What is the first name of your maternal grandfather mother's father? What is the first name of your paternal grandmother father's mother? What is the first name of your paternal grandfather father's father?

What is the first name of your oldest niece? What is the first name of your oldest nephew? Is the patient filling out this questionnaire? Yes, I am the patient , and I am the one filling out this questionnaire. No, I am not the patient, but I am helping the patient fill out this questionnaire. Who is helping the patient with this questionnaire, or filling it out on behalf of the patient?

We accept patients between the ages of 18 and years. Do you plan to have your visit at Chicago Dizziness and Hearing be covered by insurance or do you intend to be self-pay? I plan for the cost of my visit to be covered by my health insurance plan. I intend to self-pay my visit without coverage from health insurance. Type of insurance Please select the type of health insurance plan you have.

Yes, I was referred by a physician. No, I was not referred by a physician. Is the referring physician's address in the United States?

Yes, the referring physician's address is inside the United States. No, the referring physician's address is outside the United States. Referring physician's first name: Referring physician's last name: Referring physician's address:. Do you have a primary care physician, such as an internist, general practitioner or pediatrician? Yes, I do have a primary care physician. No, I do not have a primary care physician.

Is the primary care physician's address in the United States? Yes, the primary care physician's address is inside the United States. No, the primary care physician's address is outside the United States. Primary care physician's first name: Primary care physician's last name: Primary care physician's address:.

For a second opinion. For a worker's compensation case. Please click the button below to download a PDF of the questionnaire Once you have downloaded the PDF of the questionnaire, please print it, fill it out on paper, and either fax it to us or mail it to us at Chicago Dizziness and Hearing, North Michigan Avenue, Suite , Chicago, IL I am here primarily because of check all that apply : Dizziness, imbalance, lightheadedness, or other forms of disequilibrium.

Hearing problems, such as hearing loss, excessively sensitive hearing, or sound distortion. Headache or facial pain. Characters remaining: Even if disequilibrium is not your main symptom, do you suffer from any disequilibrium at all? Yes, I at least sometimes experience disequilibrium. No, I never experience any disequilibrium at all. Please characterize the disequilibrium scroll down to see all the options, and check all that apply : Spinning.

Double vision. Blurred vision. Jumpy vision. What factors make the disequilibrium worse? Rolling over in bed towards the left. Rolling over in bed to right. Bending forward. Standing up. Rapid head movements. Other changes in position of the head, neck or body. Walking in the dark. Walking through very narrow spaces such as hallways or grocery store aisles. Walking through very wide open spaces. Television or computer screens. Movies in a movie theater. Going over bridges while driving or walking.

Going through tunnels while driving or walking. Underwater diving. Sneezing, coughing, straining at stool. Traveling by car. Traveling by airplane.

Traveling by boat. Loud noises. Bright lights. Certain foods. Certain smells. Heat such as hot showers or hot weather. A specific time of day, a specific time of year, or a specific season. Menses if relevant. What treatments have you tried for the disequilibrium? Tell us about the medications Medications that helped the disequilibrium: Medications that did not help the disequilibrium:.

Did the physical therapy help? Physical therapy helped. Physical therapy did not help. Did the acupuncture help? Acupuncture helped. Acupuncture did not help. Chiropractic manipulation helped. Chiropractic manipulation did not help. Tell us about the other therapies Other therapies tried: These other therapies helped.

These other therapies did not help. Tell us about the first and last times the disequilibrium occurred When did the disequilibrium first begin? Or when was the first time that the disequilibrium ever occurred?

How intense is the disequilibrium? Do you ever get any warning that disequilibrium is about to happen? There is never any warning. There is sometimes a warning. There is always a warning.

Describe the warning:. How many times has the disequilibrium caused you to fall in the past 12 months? Has the disequilibrium limited your driving? The disequilibrium has not limited my driving at all. The disequilibrium has limited my driving somewhat but I continue to drive. The disequilibrium has completely prevented me from driving.

Does the disequilibrium feel better when you are in a moving car? Dizziness impact inventory The purpose of this inventory is to identify difficulties that you may be experiencing because of your disequilibrium.

Please answer "yes," "no" or "sometimes" to each question. Answer each question as it pertains to your disequilibrium problem only. Scroll down to see all the questions. Does looking upwards increase your disequilibrium? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, do you feel frustrated? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, do you restrict your travel for work, school or recreation? Please select No Sometimes Yes Does walking down the aisle of a supermarket increase your disequilibrium?

Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, do you have difficulty getting into or out of bed?

Please select No Sometimes Yes Does your disequilibrium significantly restrict your participation in social activities such as going out to dinner, going to movies, to dancing, or to parties? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, do you have difficulty reading? Please select No Sometimes Yes Does performing more ambitious activities, like sports, dancing, household chores such as sweeping or putting dishes away increase your disequilibrium?

Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium are you afraid to leave your home without having someone accompany you? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, have you felt embarrassed in front of other people? Please select No Sometimes Yes Do quick movements of your head increase the disequilibrium? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, do you avoid heights?

Please select No Sometimes Yes Does turning over in bed increase the disequilibrium? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, is it difficult for you to do strenuous housework, yardwork, or other chores? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, are you afraid people may think you are intoxicated? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, is it difficult for you to walk by yourself?

Please select No Sometimes Yes Does walking down a sidewalk increase your disequilibrium? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, is it difficult for you to concentrate? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, is it difficult for you to walk around your house in the dark? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, are you afraid to stay at home alone?

Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, do you feel handicapped? Please select No Sometimes Yes Has your disequilibrium placed stress on your relationships with members of your family or friends? Please select No Sometimes Yes Because of your disequilibrium, do you feel depressed? Please select No Sometimes Yes Does your disequilibrium interfere with your job, household responsibilities or school work? Please select No Sometimes Yes Does bending over increase your disequilibrium?

Please select No Sometimes Yes. If you have anything else you would like us to know about the disequilibrium, please enter it below maximum characters.

Even if ear problems are not your main symptom, do you suffer from any ear symptoms at all? Yes, I at least sometimes have ear symptoms. No, I never have any ear symptoms at all. Please tell us about your ear symptoms and when they began. Scroll down to see all the choices.

Left ear symptoms Left -sided ear pain. Left -sided tinnitus extra sounds in the ear. Right -sided tinnitus extra sounds in the ear. Please tell us about the things that trigger or worsen the ear symptoms.

Scroll down to see all the options. Nothing triggers or worsens the ear symptoms. Jaw movements. Ear and hearing research at the University of Chicago is a diverse collaborative effort that endeavors to vertically integrate investigation in the basic science laboratory, translational efforts, clinical research trials, and clinical care in the Comprehensive Ear and Hearing Center.

Founded by Dr. John R. Lindsay, The University of Chicago is home to the second-oldest human temporal bone histopathology laboratory in the United States and is one of the founding members of the temporal bone banks program. The collection contains over unique processed specimens alongside associated clinical records.

In recent years, the laboratory has consolidated smaller collections from other institutions in order to study and act as a custodian of these precious rare specimens.

One unique aspect of the collection is possession of several associated brainstem specimens that have been used to study the central auditory and vestibular pathways. One of the main areas of investigation in the laboratory in recent years has been presbycusis and also age-related change of the vestibular system.

Investigations of topics relevant to the management of chronic suppurative otitis media have also been commonplace at the University of Chicago. Past and current translational research efforts have resulted in the development of middle ear ossicular replacement prostheses that are now used by surgeons throughout the world for ossiculoplasty and malleostapedotomy surgery. Further, ongoing experiments are aimed at developing a novel adjuvant treatment intending to lower cholesteatoma recidivism rates after surgery resection via a novel immune-targeted photodynamic therapy protocol.

Dana Suskind , the TMW Center for Early Learning and Public Health aspires to create a population-level shift in the knowledge and behavior of parents and caregivers to optimize the foundational brain development in children, birth to five years of age, particularly those born into poverty.

Specifically, her research asks: How do we optimize adult-child interactions to impact foundational brain development and positively affect educational disparities in preschool children, particularly among low socioeconomic SES households?

Towards that end, the Center develops evidence-based interventions that enable parents, caregivers, practitioners, and researchers to harness the power of language interactions to address early cognitive disparities at their onset.

Policymaking is not a science Yet : Freakonomics Radio, Audiology is a clinical field that involves study of the ear and hearing. Audiologists are health care professionals that often hold a doctorate-level degree AuD or PhD and are trained specifically in the assessment and rehabilitation of ear and hearing disorders.

If you or a family member is experiencing ear or hearing-related difficulties, please contact our department at , to make an appointment, appointments are offer within a week of your call. We work together with the families of our patients to provide the information, support, and knowledge of additional local services that they need to thrive. We believe that family involvement is crucial in the process of ear and hearing rehabilitation. We believe in communication: As human beings we rely on communication to teach, learn, interact and share our feelings, experiences and knowledge and hearing impairment will have a direct impact on our ability to communicate.

In children, hearing difficulties may impact their ability to acquire spoken language and to efficiently achieve an education in mainstream schools. We apply evidence-based practice: As part of the University of Chicago Medical Center, our audiology program is committed to evidence-based practice. As such, our team of audiologists is heavily involved with on-going professional education to be certain that our services reflect the latest proven techniques.

This commitment also requires constant innovation and improvement of our testing protocols and equipment based on the status of the ever-changing state of the art.

The University of Chicago Audiology program is active in the education of future audiologists with our externship program. The hospital has a medical school and residency program.

Audiology is part of the Department of Surgery and provides outpatient as well as inpatient services to an extremely diverse population. Listed below is a brief description of the Audiology services we provide. Our students will be working with the Audiology staff at all times. Staff includes 5 audiologists who are board certified, some of which have their CCCs.

The student will have direct supervision throughout their practicum. All audiograms are reviewed and signed off by the audiologists. Daily patients being seen by ENT can have hearing testing performed the same day.

We have 15 attending physicians, who have sub specialized in areas of interest; 6 ENT residents, and rotating medical students. We have 2 primary adult ear Otolaryngologists and 3 pediatric ENTs. However, all physicians can obtain hearing testing during clinic visits for their patients. Audiology also has a schedule that runs concurrent with ENT clinic.

Our goal is to provide a well-rounded externship experience for students with the opportunity to practice patient management and follow-up. We provide externs with the tools and experiences to become independent clinicians in all aspects of audiology. Bios coming soon!


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