Nicht chicago nicht hier

Niklas finally realises that he has to speak out, but to his surprise and consternation, his parents at first categorically refuse to believe that Karl is as cruel and as violent as Niklas has claimed and when they finally do believe their son and approach Karl's parents, the latter shield their son and even Niklas' teachers and the police consider the bullying, the taunts, the verbal and physical violence as trifles and as unimportant normal cases of school-yard roughhousing.

A tragic and yes, devastating tale with as already mentioned an ending that while a bit open ended, does also majorly indicate that Karl has both expanded his level of cruelty towards Niklas and will continue with this, with his bullying, relentlessly and continuously , Nicht Chicago. Nicht Hier is visceral, uncomfortable and most definitely not an easy, pleasurable and in any way entertaining read.

But as difficult and as potentially horrifyingly hopeless, as gut and heart-wrenching as the novel is, Nicht Chicago. Nicht Hier does indeed and thankfully confront the all important issue of bullying, of school and peer based verbal and physical abuse and that many many children and teenagers do experience the latter regularly and often with little to no help or recourse from parents, from teachers, from the authorities and not being believed is just the tip of the iceberg.

While indeed and as already mentioned, I did not find much if any reading pleasure in Nicht Chicago. Nicht Hier , I am still giving it a three star rating, as this is NOT really a novel to be enjoyed a story to entertain , but a slice of terrifying and dangerous school reality to be meticulously read, discussed and debated by both the intended audience children, or rather teenagers above the age of twelve or thirteen and with their teachers, parents etc.

And as such I do highly recommend Nicht Chicago. Nicht Hier with the additional caveat that the novel is in German and as far as I know, no English language translation exists to date, and thus a decent level of fluency is both suggested and required, especially since there are also some instances of youth based German vernacular presented, so-called Jugendsprache, which does make Nicht Chicago.

Nicht hier considerably more authentic in scope and feel, but could also prove difficult to and for readers not all that fluent or perhaps not yet all that fluent. Nicht hier is a bit strange and puzzling, as the story does in no way take place in Chicago. Yes, when Niklas is at first not given credence by his parents that he is relenlessly being bullied, being tortured by Karl, the father does make some vague allusions to Germany, to Niklas' school not being Chicago as I guess in Germany, Chicago still has the image and reputation of being the so-called gangster capital of the world , but I doubt that most modern German children or anyone, really would consider the comparisons either logical or worthy of appearing as the title.

View all 8 comments. This book is about bullying and this book is disturbing. As a work of literature, it would probably work better for readers if it had more plot besides the bullying part and if it had a clearer ending. But that's exactly why this book is This book is about bullying and this book is disturbing. But that's exactly why this book is such a great account on bullying.

It doesn't even try to be an enjoyable read and that's why it disturbs you so much - you are left with a hundred questions what would you do in this situation? It's definitely not a book to enjoy, it's a book to make you think. And hell, it makes you think. And it makes you worry, and it makes you feel helpless and hopeless and powerless and angry and sad. And that's why the book is so good, because it's exactly how you feel when you or a person you care about is bullied for no reason and cannot defend themselves, and that's why this book is being read at schools in Germany, and that's why it's rated so low - because no one wants to feel like that, even if it's only while reading a book.

View 1 comment. Kurz gesagt: Dieses Buch hat mich damals 1. Sep 02, Justin rated it liked it. Das Buch selbst ist jetzt nichts Besonderes oder der absolute Renner, aber irgendwie hat mich diese Geschichte sehr mitgenommen. Von daher, gutes Thema, aber Umsetzung so naja. My god how I hated having to read this book back in 7th grade. So much that I'm even writing a review about this. It's disturbing, it's obviously written to be discussed with a bunch of 7th graders to talk about mobbing and violence, and it fails miserably at the above because its such an unpleasant experience to read.

Jun 03, Jule rated it it was ok Shelves: school. Jul 16, Jasmin rated it really liked it. Still for uni. Curious to see if it's as bad as a friend told me or not. No clue what the author thinks a kid would take from this book. Expect that you can get away with being a mobbing douchebag. Sep 02, Alice rated it it was ok. Oct 07, Little Fairy rated it did not like it Shelves: owned. Marie rated it it was ok Mar 02, Angela rated it liked it Aug 18, Karen rated it liked it May 17, Um zu erfahren wie der Streit am Ende ausgeht und wie sich Niklas weiterentwickelt, kannst du das Buch lesen.

Niklas vermutet, dass Karl die CD genommen hat. Wieder zuhause verabredet Karl sich telefonisch mit Niklas, dieser hofft auf das Laufwerk.

Niklas Eltern, Thomas und Katrin, sind mittlerweile ziemlich sauer auf Niklas, der nun auch noch seinen Quix vermisst. Als Niklas sich weigert diese zu bezahlen, zertritt Karl den Quix und verpasst Niklas einen heftigen Schlag. Sieht man den messbaren Schaden an, mag das auch stimmen. Die Geschichte hat einen teilweise offenen Anfang, vor allem aber ein vollkommen offenes Ende. Auch wenn man davon ausgehen kann, ist nicht hundertprozentig sicher, dass der Vater wirklich Anzeige erstattet: Am Schluss wird lediglich berichtet, dass ein Brief vom Gericht eintrifft.

Insgesamt ist diese offene Struktur schwierig, aber auch anspruchsvoll und interessant. Die Sprache ist dem Thema und der Altersgruppe angemessen. Fazit Auch wenn es zwischen einzelnen Schulen durchaus Unterschiede gibt, inwiefern diese Probleme noch eine Rolle spielen: Nicht Chicago.

Einige Ungereimtheiten, z. Wie interpretiere ich? Suche: Suche. Nicht Chicago. Lesestufe: 7. Klasse 2. Was kann man gegen Mobbing an der Schule bzw.

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