EGJ morphology, characterized by the degree of overlap between the lower esophageal sphincter and the crural diaphragm and baseline EGJ contractility are also part of CC v3. Compared to the previous CC version, the key metrics of interpretation, the integrated relaxation pressure IRP , the distal contractile integral DCI , and the distal latency DL remain unchanged, albeit with much more emphasis on DCI for defining both hypo- and hypercontractility. New in CC v3. Absent in CC v3. Keywords: achalasia; dysphagia; esophageal motility disorders; high-resolution manometry; ineffective esophageal motility.
Descargar PDF. Abreu-y Abreu a , CB. Laboratorio de Motilidad. Instituto Nacional de Ciencias M?? Tres pacientes con CC tuvieron espasmo y solo uno con CT. Palabras clave:. Background: With the introduction of high resolution manometry HRM and esophageal topography a novel classification Chicago Classification has been proposed for the diagnosis of esophageal motor disorders EMD.
Clinical differences with the traditional classification are currently under evaluation. Methods: Consecutive patients with indication for esophageal manometry were studied. HRM was performed with a 36 sensors solid-state catheter and Manoview software V2.
Conventional manometric tracings were analyzed by an investigator blinded to the results of HRM. Diagnosis by CC and CT were compared. Achalasia 8 , scleroderma 2 and peristaltic dysfunction 60 vs. Three patients had spasm with CC and 1 with TC.
Non specific motor disorder was diagnosed by TC and 2 patients had functional obstruction with CC. Hypotensive lower esophageal sphincter was identified in 63 patients with CC vs. Manometry, high resolution manometry, esophageal motility disorders, nutcracker esophagus, Mexico. Texto completo. Classifying esophageal motility by pressure topography characterstics: A study of patients and 75 controls..
Am, J Gastroenterol , pp. American Gastroenterological Association technical review on the clinical use of esophageal manometry.. Classification of oesophageal motility abnormalities.. Components of the standard esophageal manometry..
AGA technical review on the clinical use of esophagealmanometry..