Catalyst notebook chicago

Principals are bracing for more students but say they are worried about how to serve newcomers. Only 27 percent of children whose parochial schools close enroll at another Catholic school, according to an Archdiocese of Chicago spokeswoman.

March 3: Desegregation Federal attorneys take CPS back to court, saying the district is doing such a poor job of complying with the desegregation decree that an outside monitor is needed. Federal lawyers say CPS has not offered sufficient bus transportation to minority students to attend largely white schools, and has not reallocated enough desegregation money to racially isolated schools.

Court documents also cite other concerns, including the racial makeup of faculty. The board also voted to scrap the positions of content administrators, who organized training and supervised teachers. Both positions were a key component of reforms championed by outgoing Supt. Teachers and principals said master teachers had helped to raise achievement, and some schools plan to continue paying for the positions with discretionary funds.

The legislature will decide how the state and the city should share the burden of the costs. Schools CEO Paul Vallas says the district is working to bring additional highly experienced teachers to poor schools. Poor students showed the greatest gains. North Carolina has more certified teachers than any other state and pays those who earn the credential a 12 percent salary supplement.

Our council [is] having a tough time recruiting parents. Does the law mandate that employers grant time to employees to serve on LSCs? Some employers do grant leave time for school-related matters, but state law does not require them to do so, says Sarah Vanderwicken of the Chicago Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law.

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