Consulates in Toronto. Consulates in Sydney. Consulates in Dubai. Consulates in Montreal. Consulates in Miami. Consulates in Vancouver. Consulates in Melbourne. British Consulates.
Consulates in Chicago. Consulates in Los Angeles. Consulates located in New York - In the United States a single Embassy of foreign or guest countries is not large enough to handle all the essential services countrywide provided by an Embassy. Hence, the need for smaller, regionally located branches, which are called Consulates, enabling local residents and guest country nationals diplomatic assistance at local level.
A New York Consulate can be likened to branch offices or satellites of the foreign country's Embassies themselves, which, typically, are located in Washington DC. A New York Consulate would usually be headed by an ex-patriate national and frequently engaging local staff. He was really on his own, isolated, embarased. This is your civilization? Your Democracy? Regarding Russia? We hope Russia and other Countries will come before Messiah to free us. Regarding your Organization, please draft today the 2 pieces of Legislation suggested in this material, and enforce it at the Planet level, otherwise as you have power to enforce the Humiliating process of Extermination, have the bravery and put your hands on the table in order to be cuffed and to be transferred in another neighbor Country; The Netherlands.
Please look around everyone; who leads the Humanity and where is it lead. It is the obligation of all of us to take position. It is nothing to wait for. I am sorry for sending this material again to the whole World, but measures must be taken urgently. It is simple; urge the Legislation suggested as none to be allowed to touch the Humanity. This gentleman is after 3 days of Official Visit in Ireland. What have he done here, I do not know, because the Media does not exist.
What is Climate Changing? We had enough. Contrarily, he amplifies the conflicts in order to leave as many people as possible without roof, dislocated, in order to be processed. I remember the investigations from chemical weapons used in Syria - laughter. Watch the video please and see what language did they speak, and the following day took place the second bombardment which destroyed completely Gaza.
What kind of Leader of the most powerful Organization is this man? What kind of Mother is UN? These are the attributions of an Organization as UN? You European Union are in the same situation, may be worse. What have made from Ukraine, and your contribution to all the massacres allover the World, not to remind the one from Balkans where you were just witness of. Communication about harvest; how many?
The following day the President of Ukraine made appeal to UN for the second harvest. Not to remember about Mediterranean See. But here, the main place of processing. It is hard for me to think. Those thousands and thousands of pleading glances follow me always even in my dreams. What is the similarity of these 2 Organizations — the 2 of you are the Criminal — Fascist ones.
I do not want to waist time, please, with this occasion agree in elaborating the Legislation requested in all Countries of the Planet, in order to stop once and for ever any kind of crimes against the Humanity as suggested in this material for so many times. I told you that you will be responsible, but you never give any attention. You will be sorry, but will be too late.
I watched their spring lamb faces and read in their eyes that they know where were going. Elaborate please the vital Legislation immediately, what are you waiting for? I enclose one stupid Romanian poems; please translate, read it and learn what we need and want. It is put even on musical notes, could be found on Internet. Listen it please! You will be responsible! Recunoastem, sint probleme fel de fel Se mai vinde pielea unui urs Dar inaintam solemn acest apel Dar inaintam acest recurs; Viata noastra unde e?
Viata noastra ce-ati facut cu ea? Viata noastra unde e? In cuprinsul tablei noastre de valori Peste aur si argint si diamant Pentru noi, ca simpli muritori Viata-i lucru cel mai important. Viata noastra n-are parca nici un rost, Viata noastra e un ban de schimb Pe Pamint noi, oamenii, o ducem prost Si murim absurd si la netimp. Daca-i bal, atunci sa fie, totusi, bal Protestam in modul cel mai crunt Nu vrem mila sau concediu medical Vrem sa ne inscriem la cuvint!
Haideti sa uitam sa vietuim urit Mai avem pe lume ce iubi Si satui de surogate pina-n git Sa refacem ordinea de zi. Daca-i bal, atunci sa fie, totusi, bal Si un ceai sa fiarba in ibric Puneti viata noastra punctual principal Si in rest sa nu vorbiti nimic.