The U. So what do these new maps say about the cause of recent Texas earthquakes? There are a few fault lines running through the DFW airport. Kuchment says that the U. There were three distinct shocks over a period of 15 seconds. Major problems were the shaking of dishes on shelves and rattling and creaking of furniture. The shocks were felt over an area of approximately , square kilometers including Roswell, N. The first shock occurred at a. Although people were panic stricken, there were no fatalities and only a few minor injuries from falling adobe.
Even though Valentine bore the brunt of the shock, damage was reported from widely scattered points in Brewster, Culberson, Jeff Davis and Presidio counties. Cracked walls and damaged chimneys were reported from several towns. The total felt area covered about 1,, square kilometers in Texas, New Mexico and Mexico. The earthquake was accompanied by rumbling subterranean sounds heard over practically the entire affected area.
The shock was strongly recorded on all seismographs in North America and at stations all over the world. Numerous aftershocks were felt in the epicentral region; the strongest, on Aug. A minor aftershock was felt at Valentine on Nov.
Loose bricks were thrown down and some plaster cracked. The tremor was most distinctly felt at Arthur City, Chicota and Powderly. Many persons who felt the shock reported having heard a roaring or rumbling noise. Two shocks were recognized by many observers. Effects were noted at Gruver, White Deer and outside Borger.
Damage to plaster occurred at Amarillo and Hereford. The felt region extended from Lubbock to Borger. Press reports noted that a few objects were upset and at least one or two windows were broken. Newspaper office and police station switchboards were swamped with called from alarmed residents.
Epicenters were determined on April 23, 24, 27 and There were numerous additional shocks reported felt at Pineland, Hemphill and Milam. The only damage reported was from the magnitude 4. The magnitude of the other epicenters changed from 3. Shocks were also felt at Pineland on April 30 and May 7. On June 2, three more shocks were reported in the same area. The strongest was measured at magnitude 4.
Another moderate earthquake on Aug. The shock was also felt at Bronson, Geneva, Milam and Pineland. The earthquake knocked books from a shelf in one home and was felt by nearly all in Borger. Effects were felt Amarillo. The shock was also felt at Wink. One house in El Paso had hairline cracks in the ceiling and cracks in the cement driveway.
Windows broke at Snyder, Fluvanna and Peacock, and cracked plaster was reported at Justiceburg. The felt area of square kilometers. Although felt over a wide area, , square kilometers, only minor damage was reported.
There were broken water mains, cracked walls and windows and broken dishes. Broken gas mains resulted in several small fires. Like forecasting a thunderstorm, knowing how to read the warnings could help communities protect lives, infrastructure and local economies. For decades, scientists have struggled to reliably give forecasts for major earthquake hotspots, but now, an international team of scientists led by The University of Texas at Austin has embarked on a new initiative to do just that.
The five-year project, funded by the National Science Foundation NSF , will develop new computing tools, software and instructional material focused on forecast modeling.
The team will also train students, hold workshops and recruit new computational geoscientists by drawing on overlooked talent pools and reaching out to underserved communities. He also found it interesting that two other Seismic events took place overnight.
The USGS and the center for earthquake research and information at the University of Memphis also recorded seismic activity Thursday night and early Friday morning in the United States.